If the company is a Delaware LLC and it was formed in 2019 or earlier, then the deadline of June 1, 2020 applies, regardless of where the owner is located. Every year we process thousands of Franchise Tax filings with the state of Delaware in a timely manner. This allows us to accurately process all filings in our possession before the state’s deadline. Please note that this assessment only applies to companies formed in the previous calendar year or earlier. For any LLC/LP filed during the current calendar year, the $300 Delaware Franchise tax is due June 1st of next year for the first time.
Unfortunately, we do not have the ability or authority to waive any fees imposed by their office. We offer a service to assist with the filing of your annual Franchise Tax for an additional fee. Please be conscious of the June 1st Franchise Tax due date, as you may need to submit your payment soon. Every LLC and LP formed in the state of Delaware is required to pay the annual Franchise Tax in order to be compliant. The minimum amount due for the Franchise Tax is $300 per entity, per year. It is important to note that June 1, 2024 is a Saturday and the state of Delaware will not extend the deadline.
If you have a Delaware Limited Liability Company (LLC), series LLC or Limited Partnership (LP), then the date of June 1 is critical to your business entity. June 1 is the deadline for paying your company’s annual Franchise Tax fees. The franchise tax fees what is fund flow investing definitions are imposed by the state of Delaware and not Harvard Business Services, Inc.
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